Monday, September 8, 2008


This was what I wrote for Sunday, but I couldn't get onto the internet last night.

Sunday, September 7th

So I went to church this morning not knowing what to expect at all. We pulled up to the building, which didn't look like a church at all, and parked in a multi story parking lot. The idea of a church having its own car park seems strange, it must be used for normal parking on weekdays? 

We walked through a courtyard in front on the building, it was packed mostly with kids but some adults too, as well as street vendors selling Christian rock CDs and videos from church services gone by. By this time I could hear the music coming from the building, with each step it grew louder and louder. Walking into the sanctuary felt more like stepping into the front row of a concert than a church service. Upon looking around I could see why. On the stage there was a full band (guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, trombone, and singer) belting out a song at top volume and the walls were dotted with professional grade speakers. The sermon was very different than anything I was used to as well. Everything was written in a power point presentation that was projected on the back wall which the minister looked at often. This also allowed the congregation to sing along when the band came back on, adding to the noise. During the songs there was alot of clapping and shots of "Amen!", which can be expected I guess, but also lots of swaying bodies with arms outstretched to the ceiling. Certainly not your average UCC Norwell service, but interesting none the less. 

After church we went out to lunch at a really good restaurant, the name of which is escaping me at the moment. It must be a popular place for Sunday lunch because the line was out the door and the security guard was in charge of letting people in. But it was worth the wait, not only was the food great but there was a 3 man band that walked around playing spanish ballads to each table! I got called "gringo" again. In fact it was almost the exact same situation as the first time. I was walking by a table in the restaurant when a little boy pointed at me, looked at his dad, and said, rather loudly, "Gringo!" I can only laugh, I stick out so much. Not only the blonde hair and blue eyes, but today was the first time I saw an Ecuadorian who was my height. I never cease to amuse them haha. 

Sharon (Ismael, everyone calls him Sharon) and I were hanging out at the house this evening when Uncle Mario started hammering on the front door, telling us we had go now now now! I had no idea where he wanted us to go but I grabbed a jacket and got in the car. Sharon didn't want to go so he stayed home. I asked Uncle Mario where we were going but he just mumbled something and said we had to get in the car and drive, and drive he did. We flew through Quito, passing cars left and right, constantly honking the horn to get people out of the way. I still had no idea where we were going and I was getting a little nervous. Eventually we stopped and went inside this reception room / dance hall place that was filled with people. Everyone was giving people hugs and flowers and taking pictures. Mama was there, all dressed up, and so was the rest of the family. 

It was only on the ride home that I discovered that it was a graduation party for a course that Mama had done. I probably look very confused in the pictures. We will see. 

One of the dogs, Totti, had a litter of puppies yesterday morning. Today was the first time she came out of the dog house so we could see them. They are a mix of german shepherd and black lab, but they all just look like lab puppies. There are 6 total!

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